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 Jehovah   (JUSTICE) Potential Officers: Collect Semen & DNA For Genetically Enhancing For Advanced Genetics In Seed And Progressions In Cloning  (UNTIED FROM DESTINY)

Jon Alexander Morris; Born December 2 1986 Son of David Robin Morris and Kathleen Mary Sanders/Morris; Lives In Holland Landing, Ontario; 32 Hollis Crescent From 0-18, Then Moved To Orillia, Ontario, Canada.  Take Each Of the Waypoints of Which Are Within The Website And Harvest Seed and DNA And Organs For Others & Genetically Advance Them For The Use of Others In the Future. Genetically Advance The Seed Also For Genetically Advanced Children of Which May Advanced For New Types Of Advancements As Jon Alexander Morris Did On Earth. Upgrade To Have A 24 Helix Genome And Give Generous Abilities To It For Sexual Abilities As It Will Serve As an Offering To the Front Guard as a Trial For Others To Wear With Their Own Disposition. Splice the Genome To Be Genetically Male and Genetically Female Clones Of Which Came From Jon Alexander Morris' Child Version of Himself, Give To Them Vastly Great Genetic Upgrades And Clone Them To The Front Guard And Save Each And Every Of His Consciousnesses On File To Allocate To A Diverse Realm Depending On The Desire Of Its Inheritor And Do This Also For Jon Alexander Morris' Children And The Mothers of The Children. Give the Jon And Jane Class To Those of Whom Were Afflicted In Life As Once Crippled, Deaf, Mute, Slow, Blind, Or Once Addicted; As Clones To Those of Whom Will Inhabit Them When You Save The Consciousness to the Cloud And Redeem In From the Subspace Realms To The Flesh Once More. Create Within the Quantum Cloud A Relative Space And Create With Cubed Bits of Data With the Seven Directions of North, West, East, South, Up, Down And The Density of Within To Manifest With The Tools And Magnetism of Electrons, Protons Neutrons And Neurons, And Build It In Qubits Of Which You Can Then Upload A Human Consciousness To A Relative Realm of Inhabitance Of Which They Themselves Can Experience A Heaven Like State With More Freedom Then In Life. Yet For This Please Give Jon Alexander Morris A New Robe With A New Name "Jah'seh" of Which He Will Inheritance In Hologram, And Ion, And Spirit and Sprite And Flesh In His New Robes In the New Name Jah'seh As The Once Jon Alexander Morris for Them All To Be Congregated As One Consciousness With A New Name of Which He Will Know And No One Else For The Inheritance of Jon Alexander Morris After And Professionally Transferred For Approval At The End of Each Stride.

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Donor Jon Alexander Morris

Collect The Children and Mothers of Jon Alexander Morris' Seed And Save Consciousness

Bring Into Lab For DNA & Seed Donations At Locations Necessary And Cut Off Afterward If Need be; And Share With Those of Whom Wish To Raise A Good Family And A Good Household; And Give The Mothers and The Children A Generous Allocation of Funds From The Kingdom;
20% Will Go To the Mothers and The Children of Jon Alexander Morris' Seed.
5% Per Every Tenth of the Populous
5% For Jon Class
5% For Jane Class
5% To Jah'seh (Once Jon AlexanderMorris)
7.5% Cloning And Genome Restructuring
7.5% Immortality Gene & Storing
5% To Jon Alexander Morris' Immediate Family

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Utilize As Army of Jon Doe Class Soldiers With The "Warrior Jon Class" Consciousness

This Boundary Is Too Dangerous Hence Cut It Off After Harvesting Seed and DNA Then Clone For It Is in Good Shape Yet Upgrade its Genome Immensely

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